Guatemalan Rosa de Jamaica

Guatemalan Rosa de Jamaica

Rosa de Jamaica has always been one of my favorite drinks. It is a hibiscus tea that is typically served cold. You can find it pretty much anywhere in Guatemala. Growing up I always thought it would be so hard to make but when I finally learned it is actually pretty simple and requires very few ingredients.


  • 1/2 cup or 4 oz Rosa De Jamaica Hibiscus Flower

  • 2 tablespoons cinnamon powder

  • Sugar to taste

  • 7 cups of water


  1. Add the water and hibiscus leaves to a pan and boil.

  2. Once the water is boiling add the cinnamon powder and sugar. ( The sugar is by preference. It is perfectly fine with no sugar but I like mine sweet and normally add 1 cup of sugar)

  3. Reduce heat to medium and let cook for 10 minutes. When the color is red and the cinnamon is dissolved you can remove from the heat.

  4. Let cool and pour into a pitcher. You can serve either hot or iced but the flavor is stronger when chilled.

  5. Enjoy!

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