Our Favorite Pet Products From Amazon

Our Favorite Pet Products From Amazon

As a pet owner there is nothing more valuable than Amazon Prime. I have taken my dogs on walks before and gotten so annoyed with them pulling that I order new harnesses right then and am delighted that they arrive the next day. So, with the help of Brady and Annie ( my fur children) we have put together our favorite products we have gotten from Amazon.

Paw Cleaner Cup with Towel

Brady has a bad habit of digging holes in seconds and always ends up getting covered in dirt. Sometimes we don’t have the time to wash him but can’t have his muddy paws all over the house. This cup has been great for quick clean ups. I just fill it with some water and stick his paws inside one at a time and they get pretty clean. It is a better alternative to rubbing his paws with towels and he doesn’t seem to mind sticking his paw inside it.

Bark Box 2 in 1 Cactus

In our household we need tough toys with no fluff. I personally love this toy because the cactus is so cute and once the pups ripped the outside apart there was another cactus inside. The second cactus has a sad face which I find kinda funny. After the pups ripped that layer off it was just a squeaky ball that they loved for months.

Rabbitgoo No Pull Dog Harness

I have been using this harness for years. When I first got Annie we went to obedience school and had a trainer to help her learn to walk on a leash. Annie has always been very stubborn and does what she wants. To prevent her from pulling our trainer recommended a harness with a clip on the front of their chest to encourage them not to pull. This harness has been a game changer for walking Annie. We have found some harnesses are super confusing to put on but this one is easy and comfortable on both our pups.

Annie in her harness

Annie in her harness

Canvas Pet Toy Bin

We got tired of having dog toys all over the house so we found this cute bin online. Its a great deal for under $15 and looks great in our living room. It comes in six different colors and multiple sizes. We got the medium round and have never seemed to fill it despite having 15+ toys. The pups have quickly learned where to find their toys and have no problem taking all of their toys out of the bin.

GREENIES Pill Pockets

Annie has to take a pill everyday for her anxiety. We had a really difficult time getting her to take her pill. We tried hiding it in her food, wrapping it in cheese or covering with peanut butter but she would still always find it and refuse to take it. One of our friends suggested we try the pill pockets and they have been great. This is the only way we are able to hide her pills and get her to take her medicine.

Grannick’s Bitter Apple Taste Deterrent

Brady has always had a bad habit of chasing his tail. We never thought anything of it until he started to pull his tail fur out. We talked to our vet about allergies but that ended up not being his problem. After talking to our breeder who had Goldens do this before she recommended this apple spray for his tail. Once we sprayed a little on he left his tail alone and his fur grew back. We don’t use it anymore because he has learned to leave his tail alone. If your dog has this problem be sure to talk to your vet first!

Full Moon Organic Training Treats

When it comes to treats I want the best for my dogs. I love that these treats are organic with no artificial flavors, preservatives or colors. They were the perfect size to bring to obedience class or practice new tricks. The pups love the chicken flavor!

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